Los Alamos Friends of Shelter and Companion Animals
Los Alamos, New Mexico
The 2022 Los Alamos Dog Jog is coming – we hope that you and your two-legged and four- pawed family members will join us on April 30th at Rover Park. This year’s Dog Jog will be dedicated to the memory of very special Los Alamos resident Kent Pegg. Throughout an adventurous life that took him from a small town in Ohio to sled dog races in wilderness Alaska, Kent was always a questing, thoughtful and compassionate person.
Kent was a very valued and admired person who gave so much to his adopted home town. Through his very popular L. A. Fitness Center, Kent specialized in helping clients with rehabilitation, weight loss, and bodybuilding and worked with many clients to manage disease and improve quality of life. Kent was an accomplished bodybuilder himself, and loved to introduce others to the sport. Kent also had a deep love for animals and was a dedicated supporter of Friends of the Shelter/Friends of Shelter and Companion Animals (FOS/FOSCA) for many, many years. Kent understood how much animals bring to our lives, and his own pets, kitty Grainger and the always-remembered Satchmo, were an integral part of his life.
Please join FOSCA and Kent’s beloved wife Carrie Montoya-Pegg in a celebration of Kent’s life and his demonstration of the wonderful bond that we share with our animal companions by participating in the 2022 Los Alamos Dog Jog on April 30th at Rover Park. Registration forms will be available online and at Pet Pangaea starting on February 15, 2022. Register to run the 5- kilometer course or walk the 2-mile course in the annual Dog Jog and Fun Walk. Race prizes and awards will be given for the fastest runners, random walkers and bestest dogs in all manner of fun categories.
All funds raised from the Dog Jog will benefit Friends of Shelter and Companion Animals (FOSCA). FOSCA is a non-profit organization that pays for hundreds of spay/neuter surgeries each year to reduce pet overpopulation in north central New Mexico. FOSCA also provides veterinary assistance funds for pet owners whose cat or dog has suffered a catastrophic illness or injury.

Picture Caption: Kent Pegg and his much-loved companion, former Iditarod sled dog Satchmo. Photo Courtesy Carrie Montoya-Pegg.